For those of you that have been following me for some time, you will know the story. Peripatetic Englishman, from the beautiful county of Yorkshire, takes his first big adventure at 23. In the process gets bitten by the travel bug. Travels around, and falls in love with, Australia, spends years wondering, and then finally gets his backside in gear, and moves to Australia.
This is at the pain of leaving beautiful friends and family behind, shivering in the UK, and also having had my Man Utd season ticket, for the Stretford End, surgically removed after some 20 plus years.
This blog is my way of sharing the journey with you, both in words and pictures, and maybe also pass on some hints and tips should you be heading over this way. If you are, give me a shout and we’ll meet up for a cold drink, or two. Maybe throw a couple of shrimps on the barbie.
Despite managing to forge a successful, if somewhat conventional, career on both continents, all my holidays are spent attempting to satisfy my insatiable curiosity about the planet we all live on.
My philosophy is to slow down. Enjoy the moment. Breathe. Work to live, not the other way around. My final words definitely won’t be “I wish I had gone to more meetings”.
Through this blog, I will share some of my philosophy, and lots of my travels. I hope you enjoy reading, and if you do, share and pass it on. The more readers the better.
If there is something you don’t like, tell me that too.
Let’s enjoy the journey.
You know that I’m a sociable chap. You can contact me at:
Twitter: francisco71
Email: fcormack71@gmail.com
Instagram: explore_with_fran