Hi folks, how are we all doing? I have something today that’s not like my usual ravings. I want to share something that was sent to me recently, and it got me thinking.
I have often wrote about the trials and tribulations of being an expat. Facing the conflicting emotions of knowing I am living my own personal dream, whilst at the same time struggling with internal demons that are telling me that I am not quite where I should be.
Over time I wondered, would I become one of the stereotypical “ping pong poms”?
Who knows? Maybe I will. I have safely negotiated the choppy waters of the first year. The waters are a little more sedate now and I seem to be sailing along nicely. For the moment. Without any ballast, I am liable to up and off somewhere new at the drop of a hat.
But whilst I am here, the infographic below is an excellent visualisation of the kind of decisions that I consider on a daily basis.
Have a read and make your own mind up, UK…or Oz??
Poms in Paradise? – An infographic by the team at Schepens